Thursday, August 21, 2008

Headed to work with Dad...

Not a particularly great picture of me...but...we had to include it b/c it was such a cool day. I always like to go to work with Dad and help him "move papers". (I now know that in addition to moving papers, Daddy also talks to big kids and helps them). At the end of the school year I asked Dad if I could go to work with him and he said "when the kids are gone". I asked a few more times and it didn't work out. Then one day, in as pathetic as a voice as I could muster I asked "Daddy, are the kids at school?". He replied "Noooo" (knowing where I was headed with my question)....and of course I followed up with "Can I please go to work with you TODAY Daddy?". He didn't have a chance. The minute he said "Yes" I raced around and got my bag packed (Mom helped)...and we were off. I was proud to carry my own backpack and my "work stuff" (coloring books, crayons and a snack, of course). Let's do it again soon Daddy!

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